Installing Elfsight widget on Wix avoiding iFrame

Most likely, it won't come up as a surprise for you that Wix platform is built on iframes. In some specific cases, you might require to install Elfsight widget without using iframe block.

This installation scenario requires using of Wix Custom Code feature. Due to the peculiarities of the Wix platform, сustom codes can be added to the website with a Paid plan only.

In this article

Creating a block for the widget

Go to Wix website editor
Log in to your Wix account and choose the website where you'd like to add the widget. Click Edit Site:
Add an empty block
Click Plus icon, go to Box section and select any Themed Box:
Make the block transparent
Select Change Design option and click on Customize Design button: Then select the Box type with no borders, set the opacity to 0% and Publish the changes:
Copy the HTML ID of the block
Go to the live page and open Developers Console on the Elements tab. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J Elements for Windows or Cmd + Option + C for MacOs or just right-click and choose Inspect: Click on Inspect element, hover it over the area with the block and copy the div id of the line above your block: Here's the ID we got in our example: comp-l8lm03qx

Adding a code with the widget

Put together a custom script for your widget
Here's a special script you'll need to add to the Custom Code section: 
window.onload = () => {
  let placeElement = document.querySelector('#BLOCK_ID');
  if (!placeElement) return;
  let scriptElement = document.createElement('script');
  let widgetElement = document.createElement('div');

  scriptElement.setAttribute('src', '');
  scriptElement.setAttribute('defer', '');
  scriptElement.setAttribute('data-use-service-core', '');

  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 2500);

However, first, you need to customize it:

  • Paste the code of the added block that we've copied in the step 4 instead of BLOCK_ID on the 3rd line.
  • Then insert the ID of your widget instead of WIDGET_ID on the 9th line. Your widget ID is the following part of the installation code: Here you can find more detailed info about widget ID -Where to get your widget ID.
And here's what we got in our example:
window.onload = () => {
  let placeElement = document.querySelector('#comp-l8lm03qx');
  if (!placeElement) return;
  let scriptElement = document.createElement('script');
  let widgetElement = document.createElement('div');

  scriptElement.setAttribute('src', '');
  scriptElement.setAttribute('defer', '');
  scriptElement.setAttribute('data-use-service-core', '');

  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 2500);
Add Custom Code
Go back to your website's admin panel. Click on Settings section in your Dashboard menu, find the Advanced section and choose Custom Code:
Click on the Add Custom Code button in the right upper corner: Paste the code that we got in the previous step and click Apply:

Done! The widget is successfully added to your Wix website:

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