Adding Google AdSense to YouTube Gallery widget

In case you didn't know, our YouTube Gallery widget lets you not only display videos from YouTube channels, but also monetize your website. How? With the help of AdSense.

AdSense is a Google ad tool which allows placing ads on your website and monetize it. Our YouTube Gallery does support AdSense and in this article we're going to describe how to add a couple of ad spots to your widget and start earning money right now.

In this article

Creating an ad unit

First, you'll need to set up your AdSense account and create the ad unit you'll place to the widget.


Sign up using your email and website's address here:


Connect your website to AdSense. To do it, please follow the instructions from Google:


Usually it takes Google about 24 hours to verify the account. When the verification is finished, you'll see this screen. Click Set Up Ads:


Go to the Ads tab in the left menu:

Then select OverviewBy ad unitDisplay ads:


Give your ad unit a name, customize it and click Create:

Congratulations! You've successfully created an ad unit!


Copy the data-ad-client and data-ad-slot parameters, you'll need them later:

Adding ads to the widget


Go to your widget's settings and open the Advanced tab → AdSense section:


Insert the data-ad-client and data-ad-slot parameters you've copied. You can place the slot parameter to both AdSense Content and AdSense Popup slot fields or choose one of them:

Voilà! You've successfully added AdSense ad units to your widget. Here's what they look like. 

Content slot:

Popup slot:

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