Getting your own YouTube API key

By default, every YouTube Gallery widget comes with a generic YouTube API key, so you don't need to add any for the widget to work.

However, if you'd like to use your own API Key, here's a step-by-step instruction showing how you can create one.


Go to and login or create an account, if necessary.


Next, go to and click on Create Project:


You'll be redirected to the page where you need to fill in the project information and click Create:


After creating your project, please go to Google API Library, select your project, find YouTube Data API v3 in the list and click on it:


Click Enable:


Click Create Credentials:


Fill in the fields and click Next: Congratulations! You've got your YouTube API key!

To add your own API Key to the widget, go to the Advanced tab of your widget's settings:

Well done! Now you know how to create your very own YouTube API Key!

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