Why my widget has been deactivated

In this guide, we’ll cover why your widget might be deactivated, what happens afterward, and how you can reactivate it.

In this article

Reasons for widget deactivation

If your widget is no longer visible on your website, it means you’ve reached your view limit. Each Elfsight plan has a monthly view limit, and exceeding this limit deactivates your widget.

Check out this article to learn more about views - View Limit: Everything you need to know.

Steps to reactivate your widget

Your widget will automatically become active again on the next view refresh date. 

To keep track of your views, check the Views tab in your Elfsight account. This tab shows your remaining views and estimates how many you'll need until the next refresh.

If you prefer not to wait, consider upgrading your subscription plan.

Benefits of upgrading your subscription

Upgrading your plan will immediately reactivate your widget and provide these additional benefits:

  • Higher view limit: Keeps your widget running smoothly without interruptions
  • More widgets: Allows you to create more widgets within your subscription
  • No Elfsight widget logo (only for Free plans): Removes the Elfsight branding from your widgets
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