Reconnecting your Instagram Feed widget

At times, when using the Instagram Feed widget, you may need to reconnect it. This article aims to explain the reasons behind this need and provide guidance on how to do so.

In this article

Why you may need to reconnect the widget

The Instagram Feed widget may require reconnection if the token for your connection session has expired.

While it usually functions properly, there may be technical reasons for the session's expiration or significant access changes in your Instagram / Facebook account, such as a password or username change.

Additionally, Facebook may reset the token for its own reasons and, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about that. In such cases, users will need to obtain a new token themselves.

Reconnection steps for My Personal Account source type

Below you can see the steps for reconnecting your widget when using the Personal Account type of connection.

Open your widget settings and Disconnect your widget from your Instagram account:

Sign out of your Instagram account and then log back in.
After this, return to your widget settings, select My Personal Account, click Connect to Instagram and log in to your Instagram account:

Well done! You've successfully reconnected your widget. Don't forget to save and publish the changes.

Reconnection steps for My Business Account source type

Here are the steps for reconnecting your widget when using the Business Account type of connection.

Disconnect your widget from your Facebook account:

Sign out of your Facebook account and then log back in.
Get back to the widget settings, select My Business Account type of connection and click Connect to Facebook. You will see a window where you will need to log in to your Facebook account:

Once you've logged in, you need to make sure that you've selected all pages, even those you don't intend to display in the widget. You can check them by clicking the Edit Settings button:

Here are the permissions you should give:

  • Which Instagram accounts do you want to use with Elfsight Posts?
  • What Pages do you want to use with Elfsight Posts?
  • What is Elfsight Posts allowed to do?
If everything is set up correctly, you can click on the Continue button:

If the steps above didn't work, please delete Elfsight permissions from your Facebook account here and repeat the process.

Congratulations! You have managed to reconnect your widget successfully. Make sure that you have saved and published the changes, and that's all!

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