Adding Elfsight widget to Ecwid website

To add Elfsight widget to your Ecwid website, you need the installation code. Here is an article that explains where to get it - Where to get Elfsight widget installation code.

In this article

Adding a floating widget to all pages

Log in to your Ecwid dashboard. Go to the Website tab, scroll down to the Custom JavaScript code section and click Add Code:
In order to use the Custom JavaScript code section, you need to have a paid Ecwid account.
Paste the copied code into the text field and click Save:

Well done! Your widget is showing up on all website pages now.

Adding an inline widget to your homepage

This solution works for Ecwid New-gen Instant Site users. You can replace the content of your New-Gen Instant Site sections with our widget. Here is how you can do that:

From your Ecwid dashboard, go to Website and click your Instant Site address to open it:
Select a section that you want to replace, right click on it, then choose Inspect and copy the section ID:
Please note that you can replace sections with the following IDs only:
Copy the following code:
<script src="" data-use-service-core defer></script>

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
   document.getElementById("tile-image-text-EiUyAz").innerHTML = '<div class="elfsight-app-WIDGET_ID" data-elfsight-app-lazy></div>';

Replace tile-image-text-EiUyAz with your Instant Site section ID and WIDGET_ID with your own widget ID. This article explains how to find it - Where to get your widget ID.

In your Ecwid dashboard, go to the Website tab, find the Custom JavaScript code section and click Add Code:
Paste your code into the appeared field and click Save:

Fantastic! You have installed your Elfsight widget to the homepage of your New-gen Instant Site!

Adding a floating widget to specific page (product, category)

Log in to your Ecwid dashboard. Go to the Website tab, scroll down to the Custom JavaScript code section and click Add Code:
Copy the first line of the widget installation code, paste it into the text field, and click Save:
Go to the Catalog tab → Products. Choose the product page where you would like to display the widget, click Edit Product HTML:
Copy the second line of the installation code, paste it into the text field, and save the changes:

Done! Your floating widget has been successfully installed.

Adding an inline widget to product page

First of all, you need to convert your widget's installation code into iframe format.
Once it's done, log in to your Ecwid dashboard. Go to Catalog Products. Choose the product page where you would like to display the widget, and click Edit Product HTML:
Add the widget code converted into iframe to the Description field and click Save:

Great job! You have successfully added your inline Elfsight widget to the product page of your website. 

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