Getting Started with PayPal Button widget

This guide will help you set your online payments with the PayPal Button widget in just a few simple steps. Let's dive in!

In this article

Payment Details

The process of creating the PayPal Button widget for your website starts with entering your Seller PayPal email. You can do that on the Payment tab:

Please remember that it has to be a Business PayPal Account in order to accept payments for goods and services!

The setup for the next steps will vary depending on your chosen Payment Type. Here, you'll find detailed information about the payment types available in the PayPal Button widget - Payment Types in PayPal Button widget.

Button Configuration

On the Button tab, the first thing you may want to change is the Text Above Button and Button Text elements:

Next, you have the option to select what Button Elements you'd like to enable or disable:

  • Button Text
  • PayPal Icon
  • PayPal Text

Once it's done, you can move on to choosing what Payment Systems Icons you would like to display:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Amex
  • Discover

Style and Appearance

On the Style tab, you can easily tweak your PayPal Button's appearance. Start by selecting the Button Width that suits you best: pixels, percentage, or autofill:

Next, you can change the Button Size, Button Shape, Button Border Size:

As well as Button Color, Button Text Color, Button Border Color, and PayPal Logo Color:

Finally, if the available styling options are not enough, you can use the Custom CSS option. For example, you can change the font in your widget with the help of the following CSS code:

.eapps-paypal-button-form {
  font-family: Arial;

Well done! Now it's time to start the installation process - Installation Tutorials by Platform (CMS).

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