Providing access to your Google Sites website

Elfsight Support Team may occasionally need temporary access to your Google Sites website to install your widget or resolve functionality issues.

This guide will show you how to grant us access and remove it when it's no longer required.

In this article

Providing access

To give us access, you need to add a new contributor. This is how you can do this.

Log in to your Google account on Google Sites, select the website you want to share access to and click on Share with others:

Fill in the following account information and click Send:

The invitation has been sent. We will get a notification that we can now access your Google Sites website.

Removing Elfsight user

Once our work is complete, feel free to remove Elfsight user from your contributors. Here is how you can do this.

Log in to your Google account on Google Sites, select the website you provided access to and click on Share with others:

Click on Editor next to Elfsight user → Remove access:

All done! Elfsight user has been removed.

We request access to a website's backend to work with our widgets only. Our team of highly skilled developers will make sure to successfully install the widget for you. Rest assured, your website is in capable hands 🙂

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