Step 1: Configuring your Age Verification widget

During the setup of your Age Verification widget, it's important to adjust its main settings to ensure that it perfectly covers your needs. This article will guide you through the process.

In this article

Age Settings

The first thing you need to do while adjusting the settings of your widget is set the Minimum Age for your website's visitors and choose the Verification Method from the drop-down list:

In the example above, your website will only be accessible to users who are at least 21 years old. If you decide to verify their age using the Date of Birth or Year of Birth option, the users will need to provide that information before entering your website.

Remember Visitor

In the Remember Visitor section, you should specify the number of days during which the widget won't reappear to a user after they've confirmed their age:

For instance, if you insert '0', the widget will appear each time the page with the widget is refreshed.

Underage Action

In the Underage Action section, you can choose between two options. If a website visitor is younger than the age you set, you can display a certain notification with any custom text using the Show Message option:

Or you can redirect such visitors to another page using the Redirect to URL option:

Where to Display

In the Where to Display section, you can choose where the widget should appear. This section features two settings:

  • Display On Pages (1) - allows you to pick the pages where to display the widget
  • Hide On Pages (2) - lets you hide the widget on certain pages

Would you like to learn more about how to use these options? If so, please refer to the following article for more detailed instructions - Selecting website pages for displaying your Age Verification widget.

Well done! Now you can proceed to customizing the widget's appearance - Step 2: Customizing your Age Verification widget.

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