Selecting website pages for displaying your Age Verification widget

When customizing your Age Verification widget, you can set it to display only on specific pages or exclude it from certain pages of your website. Eager to learn how to choose where to display the widget? Let's jump into it together!

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Showing / Hiding the widget on specific pages

To select a page (or pages) where you want the Age Verification to appear, you will need to use the Where to Display option available on the Settings tab:

Please note that this setting can be used only if you have installed the widget to your website template, meaning that the widget installation code has been added to all pages of your website.

The Where to Display option features two settings:

  • Display On Pages (1) - allows you to pick the pages where to display the widget
  • Hide On Pages (2) - lets you hide the widget on certain pages

By default, you will be offered to display the widget on All Pages (1) with no pages excluded (2):

For example, if you wish to display the widget on all pages of your website except for the homepage, simply switch from None to Homepage within the Hide On Pages option as illustrated on the below screenshot:

You can also make the widget show up (or, on the contrary, hide) only on the Homepage (1) of your website or on some Specific Pages (2) where you need to click Add Page to specify the page where the widget should display / hide:

For example, the below screenshot illustrates that our widget will appear only on two pages of our website, which are:

If you need the widget to appear (or hide) on some specific pages and one of them is your homepage, you need to add the homepage URL to Specific Pages along with the other URLs.

Displaying / Hiding the widget on a group of pages

You can also make the widget appear only on a specific group of pages or exclude it from this group. For this, you need to use the wildcard (*) symbol. For example:

In this case, all pages that start with will be chosen and the widget will either be displayed on these pages only or will be excluded from them depending on your settings.

Here are a few examples of Elfsight Blog pages that will be chosen by the widget on this condition:

However, if you add one of the links that starts with to Hide On PagesSpecific Pages, the widget will appear on all pages in the “Blog” section except for the one you chose to hide. 

The below example illustrates that our Age Verification widget will appear on all “Blog” pages except for the page:

That's all. Now that you are familiar with the feature, you can effectively use it to customize the widget's visibility according to your preferences.

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