Step 1: Adding your tracks on the Tracks tab of Audio Player

Elfsight Audio Player app is a powerful, fully customizable tool that allows showcasing your tracks on a website. In this article, we're going to describe how to work with the tracks within the widget's configurator. 

In this article

Removing tracks

By default, the app comes with a set of preloaded tracks that are automatically included when you create a new widget. You'll need to remove them before adding your own ones.

To do it, click on the Actions (...) button and select Delete:

Adding tracks

Once you've removed the default tracks, you'll need to add your own. To fill the player with the content you want, click Add Track:

Drag and drop the desired file(s) or click Browse to select the track(s) from your device's file system:

You can either add the tracks one by one or upload them in bulk by selecting multiple tracks or dragging and dropping all the audio files you want to have in the widget altogether.

After the file is uploaded, you can edit the track's info, change its Title, set the Artist's name and upload a cover Image:

Here's what the track looks like after adding all the info:

Reordering tracks

On the Tracks tab, you can change the order of your tracks by dragging the tracks and dropping them to the needed position:

Adding buttons to tracks

After adding your tracks, you can also Add Button:

In this section, you can either select a Download Button that will let your visitor download the tracks or create your Custom Button:

Custom Button can also let your website's visitors download the tracks, or redirect them to any page you need. Just select it and set Action option to Go to URL:

Both Download and Custom buttons are customizable. You can set the desired color and add Hint to help your visitors understand what the buttons do:

You're all set! The buttons will display above the active track:

Now you can proceed to customizing the widget - Step 2: Choose your Audio Player mode on Layout tab.

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