Step 2: Adjusting the appearance of your Facebook Feed widget on Layout tab

Customizing apps has become increasingly important for enhancing user experience. By offering options to modify layouts and change design, apps can cater to individual preferences and attract more attention. This article will help you chose the desired layout in your Facebook Feed widget and adjust its settings according to your liking.

In this article

To work with these elements, please proceed to the Layout tab of your Facebook Feed widget:


Width and Height

Set Width and Height to adjust the widget's size most appropriately. The value can be in pixels, percentages or set to auto:


This section lets you customize your widget's header:

  • Show / Hide the header itself (1)
  • Show / Hide elements providing the Header is enabled (2)
  • Add / Remove Like or Share buttons (3)


Show or hide Posts, Photos, Albums, and Videos sections:



Here you can customize the Posts section's elements:

  • Show / Hide the Posts section itself (1)
  • Show Hide Posts info elements (2)
  • Posts Limits - this option lets you display a particular number of posts at the same time. In case you don’t need any limit, just keep it at 0 (3)



Show or hide the Photos section:



Show or hide the Albums section:



  • Show / Hide the Videos section itself (1)
  • Show / Hide Videos info elements (2)


Show or hide information visible in a popup:

Piece of cake! Now you know how to adjust the main elements of your Facebook Feed!

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