Adding Elfsight Widget to Tumblr Blog

To add an Elfsight widget to all pages of your Tumblr blog, follow this simple guide. Copy your widget installation code and let's get started! 😊

Choose how to install your widget

Add a widget to all pages


Open your blog and click the palette icon in the top right to Edit appearance:


In the left panel, click Edit HTML under your theme name:


Press Cmd + F (macOS) or Ctrl + F (Windows) to find the </body> tag in the code. Place your cursor just before the tag and paste the installation code:


Click Update Preview:

You won’t see the widget in the preview, but that’s normal. Now, click Save:

Great job! Your widget is now installed on all pages:

Note that the widget will not appear on the /archive page due to the platform's peculiarities.

Other installation options

Adding widgets to specific pages, such as built-in pages like /ask, /likes, /archive, or custom pages, is not supported by Tumblr.

Adding inline widgets to all posts may be possible, but the process can vary depending on your theme. Each theme is designed differently, and creators use different HTML tags and classes to structure their design. If you'd like assistance, feel free to send us an installation request, and we’ll be happy to help! 🙌

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