Step 2: Customize Facebook Chat Content

In this step, you'll customize your Facebook Chat widget to align with your brand and boost visitor interaction. You can adjust the chat bubble, chat window, and welcome message to create a more engaging experience.

To start, open the Content tab in the widget editor.

In this article

Chat Bubble

Personalize the Bubble Icon by selecting one from our library or uploading your own. You can also add optional Bubble Text to make the bubble more informative:

Chat Window

Use the Show Info from Facebook Page toggle to display your Facebook page name and photo, or turn it off to set up custom Picture, Name, and Caption:

Welcome Message

Customize your Welcome Message to greet visitors. You can also add or remove the Chat Button icon to match your design:

Now that you've personalized the chat bubble, window, and welcome message, your widget is ready to engage visitors more effectively.

Next step: Adjust Facebook Chat's Triggers and Display Settings
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