File formats supported by Audio Player

If you'd like your users to have an opportunity to listen to certain tracks on your website, our Audio Player widget is what you need. However, before adding the tracks, please make sure that it supports their formats.

File extensions supported by Audio Player widget:

  • mp4a
  • mpga
  • mp2
  • mp2a
  • mp3
  • m2a
  • m3a
  • wav
  • weba
  • aac
  • oga
  • spx

If you want us to add any other formats, please submit your request in our wishlist tool - the place where you can ask for the features you'd like to see in our widgets and our developers can find what to implement in the next update.

If you've added the right files and the widget still doesn't work properly, please contact our Support Team, we'd be glad to find the reason why it happens and help you fix everything.

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