Canceling your paid Elfsight subscription

If are certain you no longer require your subscription, please make sure to cancel it following the steps described in this article.

Click on your Profile Icon and go to the Billing tab:
Choose the subscription you would like to cancel, click three dots and press Cancel Auto-Renewal:
Now you need to click Continue to cancel button on the two pages to confirm the cancelation:
Select the reason for canceling your subscription:
Press the Yes, Cancel Me button to complete the cancelation process:

Once you confirm cancelation, your subscription gets terminated. It means that this subscription will remain active until the end of the period. For example, if you subscribed on February 20, 2024, on a yearly basis and canceled on March 20, 2024, your plan will remain active until February 20, 2025.

After this period, you'll be automatically switched to the Free plan. Your widget will still be displayed on your webpage, and you'll still be able to use it in your Elfsight Apps account.

If you change your mind while your subscription is still active, simply click the Reactivate button:

To cancel your subscription to an Elfsight App on the Shopify / Weebly / Wix marketplace, you need to uninstall the app from your website and remove it from the Apps section.
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