URL format supported by Podcast Player

If you'd like your visitors to have an opportunity to listen to certain podcasts on your website, our Podcast Player widget is what you need! However, before adding your podcasts to the widget, please make sure that the link you're trying to paste has a proper format.

With the way our Podcast Player works, the only format it supports is RSS. Unfortunately, the widget cannot pull the audio directly from the streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, etc.

This being said, in order to play audio content from your podcast within the widget, you need to have the RSS Feed URL to your actual podcast.
In case you don't have an RSS Feed URL yet, you first need to upload your podcast to a hosting. There's a variety of tools to make this possible, each of which you're welcome to find on the internet ( e.g. RSS.com, SoundCloud, etc.).
Once you've uploaded your podcast to hosting, please locate your RSS Feed URL and simply paste it into the Feed Link field within your widget's settings:
That's it! Now you're welcome to proceed with configuring your Podcast Player widget - Getting Started with Podcast Player

If you faced any difficulties using the widget or if you still have any questions that you didn't find the answers for, please contact us, we will be delighted to help you.

If you think that the widget is missing any features, you're always welcome to leave your feature request in our wishlist tool. We will be happy to consider all the suggestions for their realization in future app updates.

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