Why my Facebook Reviews source doesn't work

Sometimes when you try to add your source to the Facebook Reviews widget, you may see the following error:

This article explains what can cause this issue and how to solve it.

In this article

Incorrect Facebook URL

Incorrect format of the source link is one of the most common reasons leading to this issue. Please make sure that you stick to the correct URL format:


Don't forget to double-check your filters. Make certain that you didn't exclude the reviews or, for example, limit the number of reviews to display:

Privacy restrictions

Your Facebook account settings may also be the root of the trouble. Facebook allows its users to make their accounts private or to control the age and the country of their Facebook viewers. Sadly, our widget supports only public content without any restrictions.

You can switch your Facebook account to public in your profile settings:

In addition to that, make sure that you've also removed all the other restrictions: age, country, etc.

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