Contact Form widget from a custom button

Do you want a contact form that won't take up too much space? Use our Contact Form widget to create a floating form that appears from a custom button. Follow these easy steps to set it up:

Go to the Layout tab of your widget's settings and select the Floating Pane form type:
Create the element or button from which the form will appear and add this attribute to that element:


Within the attribute, replace WIDGET_ID with the actual ID of your widget - Where to get your widget ID. Check out the example:

Add your widget installation code to the Custom HTML section of your website.
Insert the following CSS code right after the widget installation code. This code will hide the floating Form button:

.es-forms-floating-button {
  display: none;

Here is an example of the final code:

<script src="" defer></script>
<div class="elfsight-618c9d5e-a47a-479d-9b77-cca32ac48598"></div>
.es-forms-floating-button {
  display: none;
Save the changes.

That’s it! Your floating form from a custom button is ready 😊

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