How to import locations from CSV to your Google Maps widget

Are you planning on adding a massive number of locations to your Google Maps widget and already have a CSV file with the locations' details? If so, you will be delighted to learn that you can save your time and effort by using the bulk upload option available in our widget.

In this article

CSV file formatting rules

Maintaining the correct order of columns in the CSV file you are going to upload is crucial. To ensure that everything is uploaded correctly, we recommend downloading the template file and using it to fill in the information for your locations. The template already has the correct order, so you don't need to worry about getting things mixed up:

Within the file, you can fill in the following locations' details:

  • Location - Use either the location coordinates or its address
  • Name - Add the name of the location
  • Description - Provide a description that users will see upon clicking on a location
  • Image URL - Add a URL of the desired image you would like to add to the location's description
  • Address - Specify the location's address for map to display
  • Website - Include the location's website URL, so users can conveniently visit it
  • Phone - Add the location's phone number, so website visitors can make a call at any moment
  • Email - Provide the email address of the location, allowing website visitors to send emails while staying on your website
  • Working Hours - Specify the location's working hours for user convenience

To make the process of filling out the template file quicker and easier, consider uploading it to your Google Drive and using Google Sheets for convenient editing of the locations' info. For that:

Open your Google Drive, click + New and choose to upload a file:
Once the file is uploaded, open it using Google Sheets and you will see how easy it is to work with columns here:
Once you have finished with adding your locations' information, click FileDownload and choose to save it as a CSV file:

Well done! You can now upload this file to your Google Maps widget. As an extra step, please check the file for any extra symbols to ensure accurate data transmission before you upload it to the widget. 

Importing locations

To import your locations from CSV to the widget, please follow these simple steps:

Open the widget's settings → the Content tab → Locations:
Click Import Locations from CSV:
Drag and drop your CSV file into the following window or click Browse Files to select the required file from your computer:
Finally, wait until all the locations are uploaded: Great job! You have successfully added your locations in bulk:

Now you can move on to adding more locations or customizing your widget's appearance!

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