Recurring events in Event Calendar widget

As you may already know, our Event Calendar widget stands out for its various useful features. This article aims to introduce you one of them — recurring event feature.

In this article

How to make an event recurring

If you want a certain event to repeat, you just need to make a few clicks:

Open your widget's editor, go to the Content tab, and choose the event you wish to be a recurring one:
Click on Repeat and select the desired option from the Repeat Event list:

That's it! You've successfully set your event to repeat.

How recurring events are displayed

A recurring event will show up in your calendar 30 times:

  • Daily — Every day for the next 30 days
  • Weekly — Once a week for the next 30 weeks
  • Twice a week — Twice a week for the next 15 weeks
  • Monthly — Once a month for the next 30 months
  • Annually — Once a year for the next 30 years

We hope this article helped you gain a better understanding of how this feature works. However, if you didn't find the answer you were looking for, please contact us. We're here to assist!

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